I had a solid brainstorming session, with my good friend Olivia, further working on the story development for my thesis project. We got into a deep discussion of resonance and I realized that resonance is what I should be focusing on over harmonic motion. While both are related concepts, resonance builds on harmonic motion as an expression of the relationships and connections between frequencies. I was reminded of a poem I once wrote:

I met you and we resonated.  
Our frequencies matched.
Constructive interference 
The amplitude now your wave plus mine.
Do you feel it.
The way the energy soared. 
When we walked into the room. 
In perfect time.

I question how I can express this concept visually. If two people staring at eachother from different worlds can see and recognize the connection that they share, how do others percieve this? I now must reference another statement that I wrote:

There are moments when the wall between our paths becomes transparent and we see 
each other standing there.  We reach out and for one brief second in time we 
connect and for one brief moment I am reminded that I’m not alone.

Sometimes in life there are people that you meet, that make life seem so much more grounded. They remind you that it's not you who is the crazy one, but the world that does not know how to find a place for you. This piece is just as much about connection as anything else. I can't forget about humanity.